When i am down and oh my soul so weary dance
When i am down and oh my soul so weary dance

when i am down and oh my soul so weary dance

Just like the packets of flower food, when you replenish your souls with rest, kindness, and God’s gentleness, you’ll see your beautiful self returning, refreshed and restored! Just like flowers need water, you also need nurture to feel God’s love. Do you ever feel that way too? Rather than being critical about yourself when you see yourself wilt under tiredness or discouragement, refresh yourself with God’s love. Be gentle with yourself. Just like my forgotten flowers, there are days I feel wilted when I’m under too much stress. One hour later, I checked on them, and to my relief and amazement, the flowers looked refreshed and beautiful again! I was so happy, and I thanked God for the joy it gave me. I found the plastic packet of flower food, mixed in some water, placed my hydrangeas in a vase out of the direct sun, and hoped for the best. But my heart gained hope when I read how I can save them. I’d left them on the counter next to the kitchen sink where the sun had been blasting on them through the window. I quickly Googled for help, and I learned that hydrangeas thrive in the shade, out of direct sunlight.

when i am down and oh my soul so weary dance

The $7.99 I had agonized over seemed lost for nothing. In my rush, I had forgotten to place my hydrangeas in water, and now the petals on my hydrangeas were all sadly wilted. At home, I quickly unloaded the groceries and hurried to cook dinner for my family, but by the time I was cleaning up the dishes, I realized I’d unfortunately left something very important out on the kitchen counter: my flowers. I spent what felt like a gazillion years trying to decide whether or not to buy flowers at the grocery store when I finally chose to bring home some hydrangeas.

When i am down and oh my soul so weary dance